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Is this a real time traveller?

Look at the picture on the left there. Spot anything odd? The picture was taken in 1940 but chap in the sunglasses look a bit modern? Here he is closer up.

This analysis explains that most of this look is in keeping with the 40s after all, but what about these…

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Ancient Astronauts

A religious artefact, or evidence we’ve had some advanced visitors?

I was just reading about this very intriguing theory. If you’ve seen Prometheus, the latest Indiana Jones one, or even Transformers you’ll already be familiar with the theory that thousands of years ago, human evolution had a helping hand from “visitors”.

Some people believe that amazing ancient constructions like the pyramids and stonehenge were constructed with extraterrestrial assistance, and that civilisations like the Mayans might have had some help with their maths and astronomy. In most religious texts, strange UFO-like beings with superior knowledge are always descending from the sky in balls of fire. But were they really based on aliens? It’s an exciting idea, isn’t it?! I’m going to check out ‘Chariots of the Gods’ by Erich von Daniken, meanwhile, have a look at the pictures below and judge for yourself. What do you think?  Continue reading