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The easy way to read minds

Little Britain’s resident psychic could have benefitted from some of these tips

In some ways, people are quite predictable. A recent study found that one in 10 people are using the PIN ‘1234’! If your PIN is 1234, 1111, or 0000, you’re in good company – nearly one in five people have chosen those numbers. Don’t feel too bad if you choose terrible passwords and codes though: during the Cold War,  the “secret unlocking code” for America’s nuclear missiles was 00000000!

More and more things seem to demand new passwords from us all the time. Most of the Linkedin passwords leaked earlier this year were “Link” and “work”. It’s always a bad idea to include personal, publicly-available details like birthdates and home addresses in your passwords.

OK, let’s see how predictable you are. Think of these three things: a number between 1 and 10; a country starting with ‘D’; an animal starting with ‘E’. Got them? OK, let’s see if I can guess them…

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